abbi press

new beginnings by Abigail Press

Photo by Iris Ray

Photo by Iris Ray

'new beginnings' is the cornerstone concept of my 'Chrysalis' EP; one that has carried through the beginning of this year. this thursday, i'm performing at Silent Barn and it will be my last live show for awhile. heck! ya it's been a solid 5 months of shows and it has felt fantastic to share the Chrysalis project with people in a live environment, but now it's feeling like that time to shift gears and pivot into some new ideas. one of the new vibes that has been driving my creative process is playing the guitar. i've been playing for about two months now (a.k.a. noob) and it feels GREAT. all of my upcoming singles incorporate the guitar in some way, so i'm working to have the next live iteration of abbi press include it as well. in the meantime, i'll be djing occasionally when opportunity strikes so look out for that. oh, and next weekend im shooting a music video for a new single. 

many new things coming down on ya'll, but for now i just want to say thank you to everyone who was part of my 'Chrysalis' project and supported. much love!

: press presents : by Abigail Press

Logo Design by Emily Dubovoy

Logo Design by Emily Dubovoy

Living in New York City often feels like swimming against a fragile current in a very large, dirty, overcrowded fish tank. One riptide can send you reeling off into another stream. There are millions of other beautiful fish. Are my scales visible? Am I swimming the right direction? Is there anything beyond this glass ceiling? 

Breathing underwater is a skill you have to acquire here. Finding the space to spread your wings and swim the beautiful butterfly laps you are capable of is a constant battle - which is why every self-made, independent platform is worthwhile. Now how can I, abbi press, emphasize the people I care about and give them ample space to shine? Welllllllll, seems that it's about time that I just go out and do it how I wanna do it, heh? 

Press Presents is an all purpose platform to promote and support the full spectrum of talent that surround us. There is a unifying theme of creativity between extremes and various disciplines that we can articulate through different mediums: music, visual art, photography, and film. Throughout the next year, my aim is to produce events, features, and exhibitions of this spectrum. The future is unknown, let's go get it! 

post vision by Abigail Press

the energy of the post vision weekend was mad inspiring! just when the loneliness of this city starts to infiltrate my consciousness life seems to start all over again. i'm thrown back into the warmth of my creative circle and reconnected with the love of friendship. the solitude inherent with creating art via computers is given life with events like these. inviting the real into the unreal.... 

post vision is not to be slept on so please eat some cheerios, rise, and shine :) a collective of artists inspired by and through the internet have come together to create a platform to connect 3D visual artists with the rest of the world. girl-boss extraordinaire and a dear friend of mine, nicole ruggiero, is the founder of the collective and has fostered its perpetual growth in the online community. this movement has not gone unnoticed by giphy, the online database and search engine that allows us to search and share animated GIF files. they have dedicated a channel to these creators and their iconic images. giphy also co-sponsored the first post vision nyc exhibit saturday, july 9th at superchief gallery soho. 

nothing gives me more joy than interlacing my music with art. the space that an art gallery evokes through the images surrounding and the reverence of the gallery viewers' presence all amounted to this show being my favorite so far this year. dirty chocolate added to the magic factor of the show. felt so good because it was our first show together and we were able to perform an unreleased collaboration. another huge aspect that made it so special for me was that many of the exhibited artists were friends/people that i've worked with on other projects. for example my vj, stylist, superfreak, and spirit-animal - abi laurel a.k.a. turnt shoujo - was among those featured. she was also supplying the psychedelic glitch visuals during our performances. 

my music has been largely rooted in the internet via online music platforms, listeners, and collaborations. i think there's a greater connection between digital art and music that should be experienced on the regular - IRL. however, it is often true that online creations lack that connection to tangible reality. where are the outposts and venues to promote this marriage of culture? post vision was able to provide this on so many levels; acting as a bridge between the two mediums. simply put: to perform my digitally devised musical creations with 3D artwork as the backdrop was a match made in heaven. 

🌱 by Abigail Press


You haven't heard any original productions from me in awhile...there's a reason. I've been taking time to focus on honing my writing/production skills and to find more of what my current 'sound' sounds like. I want to release quality versus quantity. An EP is an obvious serendipitous bi-product of this process. I'm not rushing this process. It's been frustrating to find time for this process πŸ•πŸ•₯πŸ•’. Working 40+ hours a week and some weekends is a daily mental struggle, grind and obstacle, but one I take with pride. I've been working for my dreams and every day I'm able to grow towards them🌱. Come to think of it, I'm the only one at my job who talks about their dreams... I constantly have to remind myself that I'm built for something more and that my passion is my calling. Keep it up, never quit, keep doing what you love.


Apart from my inward process I'm working on...

+ an EP with my soul sister/friend/rapper/singer, Brooklyn White. Our project has a name. Our project has vibes and it'll hit you in the face hard -- you don't know what's coming. I'm producing all the beats for this project so I'm especially proud of the sound that we're creating.

+ a powerful EP from Mister Lies which is currently being mixed and mastered, a project I'm proud to say I am part of. You'll hear my vocals on 3/4 of the tracks.

+ collaborations with amazing musicians and producers. An ever evolving list.

+ practicing and updating my live performance set p.s. book me.

+ a video/single release project with a group of amazingly talented ladies here in NYC which will be released through The Gradients, a project started by Kathy Lee to blend different creative platforms.


I believe actions speak louder than words. πŸ’―. All these seeds I've planted are quietly growing and when they bloom they're gonna blossom 🌸  loud and share another layer of my life. All of this to say: more soon ~ stay tuned ✌🏼️

winter hiatus by Abigail Press

Blossom by Sanford Biggers @ The Brooklyn Museum 

Blossom by Sanford Biggers @ The Brooklyn Museum 

it's time to return to the heart of the matter. what makes me tick, what makes all of this possible: the music.

in the last five months ive had eight performances in shows with some of the most talented artists in New York City. a huge amount of artistry was involved during this timeframe as evident by all of the posters lined up below. one of the highlights for me during this process was meeting and collaborating with visual artists. Kathy LeeJeremy Abel, and Abi Laurel are just a few of these artists who have inspired me visually and aesthetically. it's also clear that Smoothie Tunes has been a huge influencer in the music scene since their launch in July. crowds come out to see the stacked line-ups of heavy-hitters in packed venues and Smoothie Tunes has created a momentous presence of attention in bringing URL artists to an IRL platform. drawing attention to the huge amount of talent that is present online is something that more and more collectives, labels, venues, and blogs are doing which is well-deserved. 

Smoothie Tunes Launch Party @ The Knitting Factory

Smoothie Tunes Launch Party @ The Knitting Factory

this kind of performance frequency happening consecutively is new to me and damn it felt good! there were even two sets of shows that happened back to back - wonderful whirlwind weekends. the feeling of performing songs that you spent so many countless hours to create is cathartic. the preparation and rehearsals to make each show better than the last has made me a better artist and im hungry for continued growth. 

in order to find this further growth and blossom into another evolution of myself, it's important for me to take a hiatus from performing to focus on exploration into different sounds and new music. im currently working on two eps with two different artists: the first, a side project with my girl Brooklyn White. i had her perform our track 'RUNNIN DEEP' with me for several of these shows and the energy we have together is too strong to ignore the idea of making more music. the second being a project ep produced by exyle. we made one song together randomly and the result of the collab was so good we decided to make a whole project out of it. (much more on both of these soon).

apart from those distinct collaborative projects i intend to work on as much new music as possible in the coming winter months and really take this time to reflect on what i want my next steps as an artist to be. next year im going to SXSW hell or high water and if the opportunity presents itself i want to give an entirely new performance that represents me wholly. i definitely feel that im at the beginning of a new chapter.

my best is yet to come.