This week was internationally amazing. ! Monday morning I wake up to a Japanese tweet mentioning one of my songs. I click the link and a cute model named Rola is dancing/making eyes at me in a behind the scenes video to the soundtrack of my collab track 'hitomi' with Mus.hiba for NYLON JAPAN TV! Wow! What?!
So picturesque and she is so beautiful and I have absolutely no idea who she is. Luckily my roommate lived in Japan for 3 years and recognizes her immediately. He describes her as the top-non-Japanese-model in Japan, a painfully cute TV personality with millions of fans. Ok!
Thursday night I'm scrolling through Facebook and I see my friend Liz (of SPF420) post a link to 10 Essential Japanese Netlabels, an article from Pitchfork. I'm interested of course because Japanese artists inspire me, and I love the authenticity of the music scene stemming from the digital workings of their culture. Also was curious if I would know anyone listed since I had just recently created this track with Mus.hiba. I'm scrolling down and find my name! Mus.hiba! Bunkai - Kei Records! We are there! Mentioned among some of the best people in the worrrrrrld! ♡ Kawaii !! I can hardly believe it. I've always respected Pitchfork and appreciated their work, so to mentioned among ten essential Japanese netlabels - just - wow. Giddy. In amazement. All of this happened organically and I'm just in awe. Japan was always in my top dream travel destinations, but now it is a must. I will visit you Japan! (✿◠‿◠)