WAVY: The European Tour / by Abigail Press

I recently launched a Kickstarter for WAVY: The European Tour. And let me tell you, this is not just any European tour...

WAVY: The European Tour is a concept that has been evolving ever since I started collaborating with musicians overseas via Soundcloud. I’ve created dozens of songs with people that I’ve never met; communicated and built connections with musicians over sound-waves. What would happen if we met? What new sounds would we create? What would it be like to perform our music together?

This tour will be a chance to connect those sound-waves. Each stop on the tour is a chance to meet my collaborators and perform music that we’ve made together. The money that I raise from this Kickstarter will go directly toward funding the travel expenses during for the trip this Fall. If I am funded, I will fly over ocean waves to meet these talented musicians and create new WAVY music in person. We will make waves.

I will also be planning a WAVY kickoff event for the tour in Portland, OR with Triibe Movement, a creative brand and production company. We are creating a special edition WAVY T-Shirt for the tour as well (the T-shirts are available as one of the prizes for this Kickstarter).

W A V Y - T H E  E U R O P E A N  T O U R - F A L L  2 0 1 4

Portland, Oregon to London, England - Catch up with D/C (https://soundcloud.com/thatdckid), the producer of my first EP “Life Won’t Wait”.

London, England to Leeds, England - Meet up with the two members of Yusin (https://soundcloud.com/yusinmusic), a dream pop band that I’ve been working with online for almost a year. Not only will I be performing at ‘The Wire Club’ (http://www.wireclub.co.uk/), we also plan to create new songs and record while i’m there. We might even shoot a music video for one of our tracks.

Leeds to London to Prague - Meet up with Atomic Electrolab (https://soundcloud.com/atomic-electrolab1) in Prague and perform! 

Prague, Czech Republic to Levice, Slovakia - I will meet up and perform with Melodica Netlabel (http://melodica-netlabel.com/v2/) who released my first internet release ‘Drifting Dawn’ which has more than 35,000 downloads. This performance will include Marino 69 (https://soundcloud.com/marino69) who lives in Slovakia. I have lent my voice to two of his tracks that were released through Melodica Netlabel.

Levice, Solvakia to Munich, Germany - I lived in Munich for a year during college and it was during my time in Munich that Soundcloud featured me as one of the local artists to watch: (http://blog.soundcloud.com/2011/06/16/soundcloud-local-munich/). I will perform and reconnect with a city that I love.

Munich, Germany to Milan, Italy - To finish off the tour i’ll travel to meet up with Peekaboo (https://soundcloud.com/lorenzobadioli), the producer who not only produced “Suddenly”, one of the tracks on my debut EP “Life won’t Wait”, I also sang on one of the tracks on his debut EP, a song called “Growing Up”. 

This project will only be funded if at least $2,500 is pledged by Thursday, Mar 13 2014 9:15 AM PST. If I raise the money then I will be headed to Europe this Fall! Please share this project with anyone and everyone. It's really important to put your dreams out there, and this is one of my dreams. I will get to Europe and fulfill this dream one way or another - this Kickstarter would be a great jumpstart!

Donate: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/642772214/wavy-the-european-tour

Source: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/64277...