
Milano by Abigail Press

The train ride to Milan is probably the most beautiful. Sprawling vineyards lay tucked in-between the green mountain landscape. Along the way I get a notification that my track with mus.hiba has been released via Japanese label Bunkai-Kei records for his forthcoming EP release “Lycorsis”. What a great moment. Traveling Europe on tour and having a simultaneous song release in Japan. 

I was supposed to meet up with Peekaboo in Milan, a producer I've worked with on a number of different tracks including “Suddenly” off my first EP, but he wasn’t very good at communicating. Months would go by without a response to my messages about planning and in the days leading up to my travel to Milan I got absolutely no response. I find it kind of crazy that someone would tell me to come and visit them in a foreign country, offer up their house, give me their phone number, and then drop off the face of the earth after travel arrangements have been made. But, whatever, life goes on and the tour continues. 


I book my first Airbnb. I messaged the owners first asking if they would be ok with me using the room as a performance space for my show on They didn't entirely understand wtf I was talking about, but were glad to have me! Not only are they gracious hosts, they’re photographers as well and help me capture the moment on film.  


Tinychat shows are one of my favorite things of 2014, they and the bed squeak sample...XD. Earlier this spring, Choongum invited me login to his performance on SPF420 where he was premiering our collab track, “Skin.” There were hundreds of people in the chatroom hyping on bedroom producers. What was this world? Amaze? Seeing instant interaction and response to our track was like nothing I've experienced before and I’ve been hooked ever since. SPF420 and Dripfest have been two of my favorite online venues on tinychat. Tonight in Milan it’s


Ending my WAVY European Tour online at Ecchiparty is perfect. My tour was all about meeting up with my Internet collaborators IRL, so what better way than to end the tour URL where it all began? Not only that, but anyone can login and watch from anywhere in the world. The other artists performing in the line-up include Falls, Kid HNRK, Maxo, and Et Aliae, among other great people with great sounds. Not only are there great producers in the line-up, there are great producers in the chat. Even though I'm alone in Milan, I feel as though I'm surrounded by friends. I love performing for friends <3


Words can’t fully describe how I feel now that the WAVY Tour is at an end. How wonderful it all was! I met people that I will have connections with for the rest of my life. I shared my music with hundreds of new people. I traveled to places I had never seen before. I feel so proud of what I’ve accomplished. What was a dream became reality and I can’t thank you enough. 

Photo by Kris Jones

Photo by Kris Jones

Definitely sad to end the tour, but I have something wonderful waiting for me - NYC. I just moved there two months ago! I'm inspired. So much new lies ahead. The adventure is only just beginning.



Levice, Slovakia by Abigail Press


I get the same question over and over - why Levice? My answer is easy - Melodica Netlabel, the creation of Andrej Ammo and Tomas Kaizels. My first internet release with Melodica 'drifting dawn' garnered over 35,000 downloads and planted the seed for this European tour. Everyone seems so surprised that I chose Levice, but it really feels like Levice chose me.


This is my last live performance on the tour. The next one will be in an online chat room from Milan, so I'm gonna give this show all I've got. From the very beginning of my set I have a whole crowd of people grinning up at me, dancing, loving the beats and the vibes. This is why I do this. Soaking this up every bit of this. Everyone wants a signed CD! I do my best to write all their names correctly, my hands still shaking from all the energy from the show. I'm blown away by these people. SO MUCH LOVE LEVICE. 


Tomas gets back on the turntables and starts playing some 1920s electronic house. We dance the Charleston and move like flappers; as fast as our feet will allow. I have a dancing partner and we're moving in and out in time with the beat, spinning. Slovakia, the Charleston, amazing people - I am loving this.


You can see the stars here, so bright, blanketing the sky with luminescence. Levice is small, yes, but beautiful.

The next day Andrej and his family take me to a traditional Slovak restaurant. It's a beautiful old cottage with goats and geese in the back. I'm loving every minute of this. I walk out into a field and see Bambi and his mom hopping away. Take in a deep breath of this nature because you won't find this in NYC Abigail. Deep breath.


Later on we go to the Levice's castle ruins. Apparently some Hungarians took the better part of this castle a few hundred years back, but even the one wall that still stands is beautiful. I look around, we're the only ones here. It's a refreshing feeling. Imagining this same view but in Prague, the place would be crawling with tourists. It is only me and the castle in this frame.


We climb to the highest point in the city, in the distance you can see their nuclear power plant giving resonance to the time in which we stand. We take some time to chill out at 'Holland Bar' and eat Gypsy burgers. The joke is that they're actually made out of Gypsies...

When we get back to Andrej's flat his parents are there to greet us and they have presents for me! Seriously the sweetest people. They give me a Levice magnet and a little stuffed animal to help me sleep on the train. Their hospitality is incredible. They really made me feel at home. So much love for Levice. 


London. by Abigail Press

Sleepy crumbs in my eyes it's broad daylight and the tube is bringing me to the center. I brought my friends' music along for the journey in a 'waves for the waves' playlist. Playing it now and I'm getting pumped, occasional small smiles with the remembrance that I am here.

Photo by Kris Jones

Photo by Kris Jones

Waves in my vision from three hours of sleep; everything I'm seeing seems like a trip. I stop to get some bubble tea and end up making friends with a Vietnamese girl and her poisonous pet snake/rhinestoned piece of ribbon. 

Kris Jones a.k.a. Languedoc stops by the flat and makes an impression with his knowledge of music and the people involved in it. We walked around the block looking at the different ways London had been shaped by graffiti and street art and shot some photos. A welcome companion to the rustle and bustle of the streets; giving dimension.


Then to box park, a collective shipping crate/boxcar arrangement of different shops and tonight, Marathon DJs.


It's only 8pm and by this time my jet lag is merely a travel companion there along for the ride of the night. D/C joins me. Such a good feeling to see him after 2 years still at it and killing the game. Sh?m arrives. We laugh.


Meeting URL friends IRL seems to have become a past time, but each time I still get such a rush. No different when meeting Sh?m who lights up the place with his gaze. He and the Flow - Fi collective and record label are a huge influence and really push into the future with their beats, that tomorrow sound.  


Next day. Now heading off from Kings Cross in my Hogwarts train toward Leeds. Today I meet the boys of Yusin, tonight I perform. 


W A V Y is happening. by Abigail Press

Today is the day. It’s officially happening. BIG THINGS ARE HAPPENING!

W A V Y is happening.


Unreal is the word that could sum up what I’m feeling right now. This whirlwind itinerary and momentum of intention has already brought me to places that leave me breathless. Where will I go from here? First tour ever. Europe. Hard to believe seven months ago this was a dream that I put out into the universe. My current reality is one that I manifested, but it wasn't without your help.

Before I take-off I want to say a specific thank you to Triibe Movement and Anthony Taylor who helped create the visual representation of WAVY which successfully kick-started my dream into a reality. I want to say thank you to each and every one of you who donated to my Kickstarter and to everyone who supports me and my music. It means the world.

Stay tuned. I’ll be posting updates on my website during my tour to share all my adventures. Here I go!


- Abigail Press

WAVY: The European Tour by Abigail Press

I recently launched a Kickstarter for WAVY: The European Tour. And let me tell you, this is not just any European tour...

WAVY: The European Tour is a concept that has been evolving ever since I started collaborating with musicians overseas via Soundcloud. I’ve created dozens of songs with people that I’ve never met; communicated and built connections with musicians over sound-waves. What would happen if we met? What new sounds would we create? What would it be like to perform our music together?

This tour will be a chance to connect those sound-waves. Each stop on the tour is a chance to meet my collaborators and perform music that we’ve made together. The money that I raise from this Kickstarter will go directly toward funding the travel expenses during for the trip this Fall. If I am funded, I will fly over ocean waves to meet these talented musicians and create new WAVY music in person. We will make waves.

I will also be planning a WAVY kickoff event for the tour in Portland, OR with Triibe Movement, a creative brand and production company. We are creating a special edition WAVY T-Shirt for the tour as well (the T-shirts are available as one of the prizes for this Kickstarter).

W A V Y - T H E  E U R O P E A N  T O U R - F A L L  2 0 1 4

Portland, Oregon to London, England - Catch up with D/C (, the producer of my first EP “Life Won’t Wait”.

London, England to Leeds, England - Meet up with the two members of Yusin (, a dream pop band that I’ve been working with online for almost a year. Not only will I be performing at ‘The Wire Club’ (, we also plan to create new songs and record while i’m there. We might even shoot a music video for one of our tracks.

Leeds to London to Prague - Meet up with Atomic Electrolab ( in Prague and perform! 

Prague, Czech Republic to Levice, Slovakia - I will meet up and perform with Melodica Netlabel ( who released my first internet release ‘Drifting Dawn’ which has more than 35,000 downloads. This performance will include Marino 69 ( who lives in Slovakia. I have lent my voice to two of his tracks that were released through Melodica Netlabel.

Levice, Solvakia to Munich, Germany - I lived in Munich for a year during college and it was during my time in Munich that Soundcloud featured me as one of the local artists to watch: ( I will perform and reconnect with a city that I love.

Munich, Germany to Milan, Italy - To finish off the tour i’ll travel to meet up with Peekaboo (, the producer who not only produced “Suddenly”, one of the tracks on my debut EP “Life won’t Wait”, I also sang on one of the tracks on his debut EP, a song called “Growing Up”. 

This project will only be funded if at least $2,500 is pledged by Thursday, Mar 13 2014 9:15 AM PST. If I raise the money then I will be headed to Europe this Fall! Please share this project with anyone and everyone. It's really important to put your dreams out there, and this is one of my dreams. I will get to Europe and fulfill this dream one way or another - this Kickstarter would be a great jumpstart!
