Sleepy crumbs in my eyes it's broad daylight and the tube is bringing me to the center. I brought my friends' music along for the journey in a 'waves for the waves' playlist. Playing it now and I'm getting pumped, occasional small smiles with the remembrance that I am here.
Photo by Kris Jones
Waves in my vision from three hours of sleep; everything I'm seeing seems like a trip. I stop to get some bubble tea and end up making friends with a Vietnamese girl and her poisonous pet snake/rhinestoned piece of ribbon.
Kris Jones a.k.a. Languedoc stops by the flat and makes an impression with his knowledge of music and the people involved in it. We walked around the block looking at the different ways London had been shaped by graffiti and street art and shot some photos. A welcome companion to the rustle and bustle of the streets; giving dimension.
Then to box park, a collective shipping crate/boxcar arrangement of different shops and tonight, Marathon DJs.
It's only 8pm and by this time my jet lag is merely a travel companion there along for the ride of the night. D/C joins me. Such a good feeling to see him after 2 years still at it and killing the game. Sh?m arrives. We laugh.
Meeting URL friends IRL seems to have become a past time, but each time I still get such a rush. No different when meeting Sh?m who lights up the place with his gaze. He and the Flow - Fi collective and record label are a huge influence and really push into the future with their beats, that tomorrow sound.
Next day. Now heading off from Kings Cross in my Hogwarts train toward Leeds. Today I meet the boys of Yusin, tonight I perform.