superchief gallery soho

post vision by Abigail Press

the energy of the post vision weekend was mad inspiring! just when the loneliness of this city starts to infiltrate my consciousness life seems to start all over again. i'm thrown back into the warmth of my creative circle and reconnected with the love of friendship. the solitude inherent with creating art via computers is given life with events like these. inviting the real into the unreal.... 

post vision is not to be slept on so please eat some cheerios, rise, and shine :) a collective of artists inspired by and through the internet have come together to create a platform to connect 3D visual artists with the rest of the world. girl-boss extraordinaire and a dear friend of mine, nicole ruggiero, is the founder of the collective and has fostered its perpetual growth in the online community. this movement has not gone unnoticed by giphy, the online database and search engine that allows us to search and share animated GIF files. they have dedicated a channel to these creators and their iconic images. giphy also co-sponsored the first post vision nyc exhibit saturday, july 9th at superchief gallery soho. 

nothing gives me more joy than interlacing my music with art. the space that an art gallery evokes through the images surrounding and the reverence of the gallery viewers' presence all amounted to this show being my favorite so far this year. dirty chocolate added to the magic factor of the show. felt so good because it was our first show together and we were able to perform an unreleased collaboration. another huge aspect that made it so special for me was that many of the exhibited artists were friends/people that i've worked with on other projects. for example my vj, stylist, superfreak, and spirit-animal - abi laurel a.k.a. turnt shoujo - was among those featured. she was also supplying the psychedelic glitch visuals during our performances. 

my music has been largely rooted in the internet via online music platforms, listeners, and collaborations. i think there's a greater connection between digital art and music that should be experienced on the regular - IRL. however, it is often true that online creations lack that connection to tangible reality. where are the outposts and venues to promote this marriage of culture? post vision was able to provide this on so many levels; acting as a bridge between the two mediums. simply put: to perform my digitally devised musical creations with 3D artwork as the backdrop was a match made in heaven.